Tuesday 7 July 2015

Original 3rd Doctor items on eBay -
July 2015

Someone is selling of their script collection on eBay this month, and here are the times relating to the Second and Third Doctors.

Ambassadors of Death
Episode 4 Camera script
SOLD FOR £77.88

Listed is a original BBC Doctor Who Script once owned by the late producer John Nathan Turner.

The Camera script is entitled Ambassadors of Death, episode four, and features 3rd Doctor Jon Pertwee (1970). The item is in very good order, although shows slight pin rust, fading, is fragile, so take this into consideration.

The item was kept by John in a filing cabinet for many years until his sad passing, then sold by his friend TV presenter Stephen Cranford who provided a signed letter of provenance which accompanies this great collectors item whoever wins this.

Seeds of Death
Episode 3 Camera script

Listed is a original BBC Doctor Who Script once owned by the late producer John Nathan Turner.

The Camera script is entitled Seeds of Death, episode three, and features 2nd Doctor Patrick Troughton (1969). The item is in very good order, although shows slight pin rust, fading, is fragile, so take this into consideration.

The item was kept by John in a filing cabinet for many years until his sad passing, then sold by his friend TV presenter Stephen Cranford who provided a signed letter of provenance which accompanies this great collectors item whoever wins this.